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2007, regia di Thomas Grimm
Scheda: Nazione: Germania-Austria-Svizzera - Produzione: Opernhaus Zürich, Felix Breisach Medienwerkstatt, Clasart Film- und Fernsehproduktion - Distribuzione: EMI Classics, ZDF/3sat - Soggetto: opera eroico-romantica in tre atti di Franz Schubert, libretto di Josef Kupelwieser - Scenografia: Christian Schmidt - Costumi: Christian Schmidt - Musiche: orchestra dell'Opera di Zurigo diretta da Franz Welser-Möst - Formato: Color, film musicale tv - Durata: 171'.
Cast: László Polgár, Juliane Banse, Michael Volle, Christoph Strehl, Günther Groissböck, Jonas Kaufmann, Twyla Robinson, Irène Friedli, Ruben Drole, Wolfgang Beuschel.
Trama e commenti: «ATTO PRIMO. Tre segreti legami amorosi si
intrecciano: quello di Emma, figlia di Carlo Magno, con il cavaliere Eginhard,
di umili origini, che non potrà sposare (“Zum Hülle selbst im Grabe”); di
Fierrabras, moro vinto ma graziato dal re, anch’egli innamorato di Emma; di
Roland con Florinda, sorella di Fierrabras. Eginhard, dovendo partire per una
missione di pace presso il re moro, canta una serenata d’addio a Emma (“Der
Abend sinkt”); ma viene salvato da Fierrabras che si sostituisce a lui ed è
imprigionato come traditore.
ATTO SECONDO. Eginhard, in territorio nemico, rivolge un toccante saluto alla patria (“Im jungen Morgenstrahle”) ma viene fatto prigioniero dai Mori; lontana, in un castello, Florinda pensa a Roland, oggetto del suo amore (“Weit über Glanz”). Giunge l’ambasceria dei paladini franchi al re Boland: alla notizia che suo figlio Fierrabras si è convertito, sdegnato (“Im Tode sollt ihr büßen”) li fa incarcerare; Florinda, decisa a tutto per amore (“Die Brust, gebeugt von Sorgen”) tenta di farli fuggire, ma solo Eginhard vi riesce.
ATTO TERZO. Nel castello di Carlo, Emma confessa al padre il suo amore per Eginhard e l’azione generosa di Fierrabras, che viene liberato. Sopraggiunge Eginhard, e insieme con l’amico Fierrabras si accinge a guidare i Franchi (“Wenn hoch im Wolkensitze”). Il principe dei Mori ha fatto preparare il rogo per Roland, e Florinda e i paladini rimasti nella torre si accingono a seguirlo (“Des Jammers herbe Qualen” e Marcia funebre). Ma il sopraggiungere dei Franchi impedisce l’esecuzione: i Mori sono sconfitti e Boland, sfuggito all’uccisione da parte di Roland, si converte al cristianesimo; le due coppie di innamorati riuniti possono celebrare con Carlo il trionfo».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«Act 1. Emma, the daughter of King Karl (Charlemagne, from the German name
for Charlemagne, Karl der Große), is in love with Eginhard. Their love must be
kept secret since Karl does not approve. Karl's knights, led by Roland, have
defeated the Moors and captured Fierrabras, the son of the Moorish prince Boland.
Karl does not imprison Fierrabras. When they are brought to Karl's castle,
Fierrabras spies Emma, and recognizes her as someone he fell in love with in
Rome. Eginhard and Emma meet in the garden at night, but are interrupted by
Fierrabras. The lovers plead with Fierrabras to protect Eginhard from Karl.
Fierrabras agrees, and Eginhard makes his escape. The king approaches, and,
thinking Fierrabras is trying to kidnap Emma, has him thrown in chains. As the
act ends, Eginhard and the knights are preparing to leave.
Act 2. Eginhard (without clarifying the matter concerning Emma and Fierrabras) has been sent to Boland with Roland and Karl's other knights for peace talks. The Moors surprise Eginhard, capture him, and bring him to the Moorish castle, where Boland and his daughter Florinda are concerned over Fierrabras' fate. Eginhard informs them of Fierrabras' imprisonment. The rest of Karl's knights arrive for the peace talks. Boland, upset over Fierrabras' imprisonment, takes them prisoner and condemns them to death. Among the knights, his daughter Florinda recognizes Roland, (with whom she fell in love while in Rome) and decides to try to help them. She manages to free Eginhard, and, after a brief interlude with Roland, frees the knights from the castle prison. The knights, after battle in which Roland is captured, are returned to the prison, where Boland is upset over Florinda's behavior.
Act 3. Emma, who is waiting for Eginhard's return, confesses to her father that Fierrabras is innocent, and that she and Eginhard are in love. Karl frees Fierrabras, and they leave with Eginhard to go to the Moorish castle to free the imprisoned knights. The knights are being led to the execution pyre. Florinda pleads with Boland to spare Roland. In anger, Boland says that if she loves Roland, she can die with him. Karl, Eginhard, and Fierrabras arrive just in time to stop the executions, and convince Boland to release the knights. Karl and Boland make peace, allow Roland and Florinda to join, as well as Eginhard and Emma. Fierrabras joins Karl's knight».