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The Dark Knight
1995, regia di Martin L. Andersen
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Nu Skin International - Distribuzione: Nu Skin Enterprises - Soggetto: Martin L. Andersen - Sceneggiatura: Eric Hendershot - Fotografia: T.C. Christensen - Montaggio: Martin L. Andersen, Mark N. Goodman - Art Direction: Sam Cardon - Musiche: Sam Cardon - Formato: Color, corto - Durata: 23’.
Cast: Martin Crocker, Jim Fowler, Bill Gerard, Gordon Griffin, David Hartley, Brendan P. Healy, Victoria Hepple, Richard Makepeace, Simon Malkin, Peter Marshall, Rob Marston, Adam Pearson, Brian Rapkin, Harry Rowell, Colin Sharp, Sheila Tait.
Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
- «Darkness
covers the land when the evil Dark Knight captures the dreams of all the
kingdom. The only ones who can see through the despair is the Star Children.
Their bright eyed optimism shows all the way. Finally the King permits the
children to lead them to victory over the Dark Knight».
Scheda a cura di Alessandro Giancipoli