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The Bastard Executioner
2015, regia di Paris Barclay e altri
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Productions, Fox 21, Imagine Television - Distribuzione: FX Network - Creatore della serie: Kurt Sutter - Soggetto e Sceneggiatura: Kurt Sutter, Carly Wray, Curtis Gwinn, Roberto Patino, John Barcheski, Nichole Beattie, Charles Murray, Ryan Scott - Fotografia: Mike Spragg, Henry Braham, Denis Crossan, Sam McCurdy - Montaggio: Paul Fontaine - Art Direction: Matthew Hywel-Davies, Ciaran Thompson - Scenografia: Giles Masters - Set Decoration: Holly Thurman - Costumi: Guy Speranza, Rick Tuber, Tamara Luciano - Musiche: Bob Thiele jr. - Effetti speciali: BlueBolt, The Visual Effects Company - Formato: Color, serie tv in 10 episodi (anche film tratto dalla serie) - Durata: 43' ogni episodio.
Cast: Lee Jones, Katey Sagal, Flora Spencer-Longhurst, Sam Spruell, Sarah Sweeny, Danny Sapani, Darren Evans, Kurt Sutter, Timothy V. Murphy, Sarah White, Elen Rhys, Ethan Griffiths, Stephen Moyer,Alec Newman, Ross O'Hennessy, Kyle Rees.
Trama e commenti: -
«Un nobile cavaliere dell'esercito di re Edoardo I, sopraffatto dagli orrori
della guerra, decide di deporre la spada. Ma la violenza torna a perseguitarlo,
e il cavaliere è costretto a impugnare la più sanguinosa delle spade, la spada
da esecuzione. ... The Bastard Executioner è il primo progetto per FX di
Imagine TV, ed è nato da un'idea del produttore Brian Grazer, che ha spiegato:
"Trovo che i boia siano dei personaggi incredibilmente affascinanti e
provocativi. ... Hanno a che fare con le classi più alte e con quelle più basse.
È un lavoro molto più moralmente complesso di quanti si immagini". ...».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«Set in early
14th century Wales, Wilkin Brattle, a Welsh knight in the army of King Edward I
of England is betrayed by an Englishman who has a lust for power and who leaves
him for dead. When he is near death, a child apparition implores Brattle to lay
down his sword and follow the path of a different man. Later in life, Wilkin
lives as a married peasant farmer, awaiting the birth of a child. His new life
of peace is shattered by the unbearable taxes assessed on the peasants by none
other than "Baron" Erik Ventris, the man who had betrayed Wilkin. Pressured by
his fellow villagers, Wilkin leads a raid on the Baron's tax collector, which
leads Ventris to the revenge killing and burning of all the women and children
in Brattle's village. Brattle's raiders seek battle with the Baron ending in the
death of Ventris and the massacre of the Baron's troops. Revenge, however, is
not complete, as the raiders want all the soldiers who slaughtered their kin to
die by the sword. Brattle assumes the identity of a journeyman punisher
(executioner), injected into the plot just moments before the Baron's death.
Brattle, aka Gawain Maddox, enters Castle Ventris with the intent of identifying
the remaining murderers so his fellow raiders can exact revenge. Castle intrigue
traps Brattle in his new alias and disdainful profession. Forced to wield the
bloodiest sword of all: an executioner's sword,[2] Brattle must lead this double
life while trying to determine whether this new path is the one the apparition
has chosen for him, or if he has been led astray. The plot partially involves
the fallout from the Madog ap Llywelyn Welsh rebellion».
Approfondimenti: Movie
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