Romeo Thinks Again
1998, regia di Matthew Parkhill
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Tigerlily Films, Winkle Films - Soggetto (dalla tragedia Romeo e Giulietta di William Shakespeare): Matthew Parkhill - Sceneggiatura: Matthew Parkhill - Fotografia: Trevor Brooker - Montaggio: Joe Swanson - Costumi: Jane Fox - Musiche: Charles Hodgkinson, Kirk Zavieh - Formato: Color, corto - Durata: 15'.
Cast: Paul Blackthorne, Hilda Braid, Ben Crompton, Michael Culkin, Jemma Powell, Natasha Wightman.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«Love is eternal as long as it lasts. At the end of Shakespeare's Romeo
and Juliet Romeo does not die; the poison he had been sold by the apothecary
was cheap and was watered down. Today we find Romeo working at the checkout
store that time forgot...».