Romeo & Juliet in Stanley Park
2009, regia di Olesia Shewchuk
Scheda: Nazione: Canada - Produzione: Dynama Film Production, con Passion8Films, Union of B.C. Performers, Sillycod Prod - Soggetto: tratto dalla tragedia Romeo e Giulietta di William Shakespeare - Sceneggiatura: Meeshelle Neal - Fotografia: Olesia Shewchuk - Montaggio: Olesia Shewchuk - First assistant director Art Department: Attila Kállai, Magali Gauthier, Meeshelle Neal - Costumi: Olesia Shewchuk - Formato: Color, corto - Durata: 12'.
Cast: Meeshelle Neal, Laura Carswell, Gabriel Carter, Shane Kolmansberger, Elizabeth McLaughlin.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«In Vancouver's luscious Stanley Park, a heartbroken Romeo finds hope when
she spots the woman of her dreams, Juliet. There's just one problem - Paris,
Juliet's long-term boyfriend is about to propose. Jumping in to save the day,
Mercutio distracts Paris, leaving Romeo free to court her love. A whirlwind of
passion and drama ensues in this charming tale of forbidden love».
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: R and J.