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(episodio 3.7)
2009, regia di Richard Curson Smith
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Impossible Pictures, Indipendent Television, Pro 7 - Distribuzione: AXN, Indipendent Television, Pro 7 - Soggetto: Tim Haines, Adrian Hodges - Sceneggiatura: Andrew Rattenbury - Fotografia: Shane Daly - Montaggio: Adam Trotman - Art Direction: Richard Field - Scenografia: Michael Ralph - Costumi: Joe Hobbs - Musiche: Dominik Scherrer, James Hannigan - Effetti speciali: Framestore, CFC - Formato: Color, film tv - Durata: 44'.
Cast: Jason Flemyng, Andrew-Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Laila Rouass, Ben Mansfield, Juliet Aubrey, Ben Miller, Tony Curran, Robert Lowe, Jack Gordon, Rebecca Calder.
Trama e commenti:
- -
- «La
serie presenta una squadra di scienziati che cercano di controllare delle
anomalie spazio-temporali e gli animali preistorici e futuristici che le
attraversano. Il team è composto da cinque persone, capitanate dal professor
Nick Cutter, uno zoologo evoluzionista determinato a ritrovare sua moglie,
scomparsa anni prima nella Foresta di Dean». «La squadra indaga su un'anomalia da cui sono venuti fuori un dinosauro ed un cavaliere medievale, Sir William de Mornay. Quest'ultimo crede che il dinosauro sia un drago, quindi la squadra deve salvare la creatura prima che il cavaliere riesca ad ucciderlo».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«The first series revolves around "the team" forming, following several
creature attacks in the Forest of Dean, as well as Nick Cutter's search for
Helen Cutter, his missing wife, who had suddenly reappeared after eight years.
Throughout the series, Nick becomes romantically involved with James Lester's PA,
Claudia Brown. In the first series' finale Cutter travels through a time anomaly,
and upon his return he discovers that Claudia Brown no longer exists, and the
timeline has changed. In Series 2, Cutter adjusts to the new timeline while
hunting for a traitor in the group. It marks the last appearance of the
character Stephen Hart, who dies at the end of the series. In the third series,
Cutter is killed, while Jason Flemyng joins the cast as Police Officer Danny
Quinn. Ben Mansfield also joins as Captain Becker, the team's armed support,
replacing Stephen Hart. The climax has Connor, Abby and Quinn pursuing Helen
through anomalies to prevent her exterminating the human ancestors. They succeed,
Helen is killed, but they remain trapped in past eras. ... A Dracorex comes through an anomaly, trying to escape from a 14th century
knight who believes he is hunting a dragon. The team are forced to find and save
the life of the Dracorex, and then, aided with a bit of medieval research by
Sarah, return the confused knight to his own world before he kills anyone, out
of belief they are demons and he is in hell».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Il sito ufficiale del film - 1 - Il sito ufficiale del film - 2
Episodio 7 della stagione 3 della serie tv Primeval, conosciuta anche con i titoli: Paura primordiale; Primeval - Rückkehr der Urzeitmonster; Primitif; Les portes du temps; Nick Cutter et les portes du temps; Invasión jurásica.
Scheda a cura di Maria Rosaria De Benedictis