2017, regia di Dick Douglass
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Across the Border Productions - Soggetto: dall'omonima tragedia di William Shakespeare - Sceneggiatura: Dick Douglass - Fotografia: Dick Douglass - Montaggio: Dan Skelt, Emic Rashomon - Art Direction: Sammy Bailey - Formato: Color.
Cast: Tom Clear, Luing Andrews, Taz Bear, Andrew Calverley, Dave Taff Culver, Obie Dean, Dick Douglass, Christine Hounslow, Kirsty Linton, Owen Llewelyn, Daniel Lovett, Nathan Robinson, Sara Seibel, Russell Shaw, Veronica Jean Trickett.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«Hamlet's father is dead Prince Hamlet is summoned home to Denmark to attend
his father's funeral, and Denmark has crowned Hamlet's uncle the new king.
Consumed by grief, Hamlet struggles to exact revenge, with devastating