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Vichinghi e popoli del Nord

Viking Visitors to North America

1979, regia di Tony Ianzelo


Scheda: NazioneCanada - ProduzioneNFB (National Film Board of Canada) - DistribuzioneNFB (National Film Board of Canada) - Soggetto: Barry Cowling - Sceneggiatura: Barry Cowling - Fotografia: Tony Ianzelo - Montaggio: Marion Meadows - Musiche: Donald Douglas - Formato: Color, documentario, corto - Durata: 23'.

Narratore: Lynne Henderson.





Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - «Evidence of Viking presence in North America has challenged archaeologists and historians for years. Did the Vikings come to northern Canada nearly 1 000 years ago? Did they later migrate inland? This film explores the legends of the Viking visits to North America, which remain shrouded in mystery, but continue to be the subject of much debate».





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