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Vikings: Journey to New Worlds
2004, regia di Marc Fafard
Scheda: Nazione: Canada - Produzione: Sky High Entertainment - Distribuzione: Giant Screen Films - Soggetto: Marc Fafard, Jonathan Hock - Sceneggiatura: Marc Fafard, Jonathan Hock - Fotografia: Andrew Kitzanuk - Montaggio: René Caron - Effetti speciali: Big Bang Animation - Formato: Color, documentario - Durata: 40'.
Cast: Nicholas Simard.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«The IMAX theatres are designed for a massive sensory experience. Giant
screens that extend far above viewers' heads, booming sound systems--they are
meant to convey the enormity of the film being shown. Most of the theatres are
connected to museums and show documentaries with subjects befitting the format,
like a look at Mount Everest or journeys into the depths of the earth. Watching
them at home, however, removes the scope. Regardless of how big your TV is, it's
never going to be the same. Vikings: Journey to New Worlds is a fitting
topic for IMAX. It opens with a shot of one of the enormous Viking ships sailing
on the ocean, coming straight at the screen, its hull threatening to crash right
through. It's moments like this where you can see what the filmmakers were going
for, but it's kind of like watching a 3-D movie in a regular format. You know
Eric the Red's sword is pointing at you, but it doesn't actually stab out of the
screen. Once the IMAX element is shoved by the wayside, the appeal of Vikings as
a documentary will probably get varied mileage depending on your previous
interest in the subject. In its 40 minutes, the film covers a lot of ground, but
it never stops feeling like an educational picture, like something you'd watch
on a school field trip. The examination of this ancient culture is thorough, but
not necessarily inspiring in its content. That leaves it up to the construction
of the movie to serve as the main attraction. The technique of Vikings:
Journey to New Worlds is to combine reenactments with natural landscapes,
footage of historical artifacts, and digital effects to try to put the audience
in the shoes of ancient Norseman. We get raw information about the building of
their famous ships and their social structures, including how their stories were
passed from person to person and the gods they worshipped. The scholarly
narrator sometimes hands the microphone to an actor playing Leif Ericsson to
tell stories from the ancient record, the Icelandic Sagas, retelling his father
Eric the Red's discovery of Greenland and Leif's eventual discovery of the
Americas. Again, the movie is full of excellent information and many myths about
the Vikings are busted, but that doesn't get around the fact that Vikings:
Journey to New Worlds was meant to be viewed in a certain way. On your home
theatre, it's an interesting curio, but it's kind of like wearing a snorkel and
fins to go to the grocery store. No matter how hard you try, you're not going to
feel like you're in the water» (Jamie S. Rich).
Approfondimenti: Movie
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