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A Viking Saga
2008, regia di Michael Mouyal
Scheda: Nazione: Danimarca-USA - Produzione: Supersonic Entertainment - Distribuzione: Koch Media, Synkronized - Soggetto: Michael Mouyal, Dennis Goldberg - Sceneggiatura: Michael Mouyal, Dennis Goldberg - Fotografia: Pierre Chemaly - Montaggio: Kinga Orlikowska - Musiche: Mark Allen - Effetti speciali: Numb Robot - Formato: Color - Durata: 82'.
Cast: Ken Vedsegaard, Peter Gantzler, Erik Holmey, Kim Sønderholm, Kenneth Carmohn, Julie Ølgaard, Neel Rønholt, Hans Henrik Clemensen, Jesper Pedersen, Alexandre Willaume-Jantzen, Jan Linnebjerg, Lars Bjarke, Klaus Hyr Hansen, Simon Braager, Samuel P. Strong, Ida Marie Christensen, Clara Maria Bahamondes, Daniel Mouyal, Toke Lars Bjarke.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«When he was 10, Helgi (Ken Vedsegaard), a Viking, witnessed the mass murder
of his entire village, including his father. Though he escaped to live safely
with his uncle, the weight of the loss (and desire for revenge) stayed with him
as he grew up. Now that he's an adult, Helgi has learned the identity of the
Viking King responsible for the slaughter, and must determine the best way to
avenge his people».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Il sito ufficiale del film - Movie
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: A Viking Saga: Son of Thor.