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Vicky il Vichingo
(Chîsana baikingu Bikke)
1974, regia di Chikao Katsui, Hiroshi Saitô
Scheda: Nazione: Giappone-Austria-Germania Ovest - Produzione: Zuiyo, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, Österreichischer Rundfunk - Distribuzione: Cecchi Gori Home Video, Dolmen Home Video, Katholieke Radio Omroep - Soggetto: dal romanzo di Runer Jonsson - Sceneggiatura: Eberhard Stoker e altri - Adattamento: John Boyle, Jean Daykin e altri - Musiche: Karel Svoboda, Seiichiro Uno - Formato: Color, animazione, serie tv in 78 episodi - Durata: 23' ogni episodio.
Voci: Wolfgang Hess (edizione americana); Rosalinda Galli, Aldo Barberito, Gino Pagnani (edizione italiana).
Trama e commenti:
- «Vicky il
vichingo o Viki il Vichingo è un vero e proprio cartoon ”storico”.
Tratta dal romanzo dell’autore scandinavo Runer Jonsson, si tratta infatti della
prima serie animata giapponese trasmesso in Italia su Rai Due, dal settembre
1977 (con il titolo Vickie il vichingo), ancora prima dell’arrivo di Heidi e
Imperdibile per i nostalgici, la serie è un vero e proprio evergreen, in grado
di trasmettere oggi come allora valori fondamentali come l'amicizia, l'onestà e
la lealtà, e risulta ancora molto valida e apprezzabilissima anche dai ragazzini
dei nostri giorni.
Se pensate che tutti i vichinghi siano cattivi e facciano paura, non conoscete
Insieme a suo papà Alvar e agli altri vichinghi del villaggio solca i mari alla
ricerca di nuove terre e di nuove avventure.
A volte la terribile forza dei vichinghi non è sufficiente a risolvere le
difficoltà e a superare gli ostacoli.
Allora Vicky si strofina il naso e mette all'opera il suo ingegno, con la sua
grande intelligenza riesce sempre a trovare soluzioni geniali ed appropriate...».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«Vicky is a small boy with red or blond shoulder long hair. He wears a skirt,
which is typical for Vikings though he may be confused as being a little girl,
along with his unisex name. He lives with his parents Halvar and Ylva in the
small medieval Viking village Flake. He is by no means a typical Viking boy, but
rather fearful. He is also not very strong. On the other hand, his forte is his
original ideas, which help the adults and his friends out of desperate
situations. Every time Vicky ponders about a difficult problem, he touches his
nose with his index finger (first both sides, then the bottom. At the same time
the particular background music plays). Suddenly he receives the idea that
provides the solution from the situation (this is indicated by "raining stars").
He then always snaps his fingers and yells out his Heureka-shout "Ich hab's!"
("I got it"). Whenever his father, the Chief of the Viking village, is involved
with the realization of the idea, he later claims that he had the same idea, but
only wanted to see if his son would think of it too. Vicky mostly spends time
out to sea together with Halvar and the ship crew, which are more or less
"strong men". In every episode they experience new, dangerous or funny
adventures. In the beginning, Vicky had to overcome a degree of scepsis shown by
the men. Later, he becomes more and more a mascot, without which the men would
refuse to go on their trips since they fear that without Vicky's ideas, they
would likely not arrive back home again. Vicky's solutions are often not
relevant to the time of the story. Sometimes they are based on historical events,
eg. the Trojan Horse. At other times, they could come from a mathematician or
physicist of later centuries. This modern form of common knowledge makes Vicky a
role model for the juvenile audience. He shows that a hero need not be strong in
all cases, but an admirable amount of intelligence or smartness can replace
muscles and courage».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Vicky the Viking; Wickie und die starken Männer.