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Taras Bulba
2009, regia di Vladimir Bortko
Scheda: Nazione: Russia - Produzione: Central Partnership, Telekanal Rossiya - Distribuzione: Central Partnership - Soggetto: dall'omonimo romanzo di Nikolai Gogol' - Sceneggiatura: Vladimir Bortko, Igor Mityushin - Fotografia: Dmitrii Mass, Arunas Baraznauskas - Art Direction: Sergey Yakutovich, Vladimir Svetozarov, Marina Nikolaeva - Costumi: Ekaterina Shapkaits - Musiche: Igor Kornelyuk - Effetti speciali: Timur Saitgarajev, FB-FX - Formato: Color - Durata: 129'.
Cast: Bogdan Stupka, Igor Petrenko, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Magdalena Mielcarz, Mikhail Boyarsky, Vladimir Ilyin, Yuri Belyayev, Ada Rogovtseva, Boris Khmelnitsky, Daniel Olbrychski, Eduard Cenzor, Sergei Dontsov, Liubomiras Lauciavicius, Ekaterina Novikova, Sergei Russkin, Ostap Stupka, Sergey Bezrukov (narratore).
Trama e commenti: «Taras Bulba (in russo:
Тарас Бульба) è un film del 2009 diretto da Vladimir Bortko, basato
sull'omonimo romanzo di Nikolaj Gogol'. Il film è stato girato in diversi luoghi
dell'Ucraina, come Zaporižžja, Hotin e Kamjanec'-Podil's'kij così come anche in
Polonia. Il rilascio ufficiale è stato spostato più volte, in un primo momento
per la primavera del 2008, ma alla fine è stato rilasciato il 2 aprile 2009, in
coincidenza con il bicentenario di Gogol'».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«Vladimir Bortko, best known before making Taras Bulba for his
literary adaptations of Bulgakov and Dostoevsky, was commissioned to create his
latest film, an adaptation of Gogol', by the state-funded television channel,
Rossiia. Intended from its conception to be a blockbuster with mass appeal, the
film (which had a $20 million budget) was released on Gogol'’s 200th birthday
with massive fanfare; mounted Cossacks patrolled outside the premier at
Kinoteatr Oktiabr', there was a tie-in show at Russian Fashion Week, and even a
video game spin-off was released. Economically, the film - which opened in 600
theatres in Russia and Ukraine - did not disappoint, recouping its expenses and
then some. Taras Bulba is the story of a Cossack (Bulba, played by Bogdan
Stupka) who leads a revolt against the Polish occupiers of Ukraine. When his
son, Andrei (Igor' Petrenko), betrays their cause out of love for a beautiful
Polish princess, Bulba is forced to choose between his love for his son and his
love for his nation. Largely because of the courage, self-sacrifice, and honor
which are pictured to be inherent in all true Cossacks, this is really no choice
at all. This story, which evokes all of the myth-making heroism and pathos that
could be expected from such a romantic nationalist narrative, is joined by a
rehearsal of dominant visual markers of nationalist thought as well. Filmed on
location in central Ukraine, the camera fetishizes the land, lingering over the
boundless steppes and the wide Dnepr. ...».
Approfondimenti: Movie