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La tana del serpente bianco
(The Lair of the White Worm)
1988, regia di Ken Russell
Scheda: Nazione: GB-USA - Produzione: White Lair - Distribuzione: Eagle Pictures, Artisan Entertainment, Cinema Classics, Concorde Home Entertainment, Maple Pictures, Pioneer, Vestron Pictures, Vestron Video - Soggetto: dal racconto di Bram Stoker The Lair of the White Worm (1911) - Sceneggiatura: Ken Russell - Fotografia: Dick Bush - Montaggio: Peter Davies - Art Direction: John Ralph - Costumi: Michael Jeffery - Musiche: Stanislas Syrewicz - Effetti speciali: Image Animation - Formato: Technicolor - Durata: 93' (99').
Cast: Amanda Donohoe, Hugh Grant, Catherine Oxenberg, Peter Capaldi, Sammi Davis, Stratford Johns, Paul Brooke, Imogen Claire, Chris Pitt, Gina McKee, Christopher Gable, Lloyd Peters, Miranda CoePaul Easom, Jackie Russell.
Trama e commenti:
- - - - «Nella
campagna scozzese un archeologo (H. Grant) dissotterra un enorme cranio che
assomiglia a un verme. E collegato con una perversa e vampiresca Lady (A. Donohoe) che tiene in vita un antico serpentone, sacrificandogli il sangue di
vergini. Da un poco noto romanzo dell'irlandese Bram (Abraham) Stoker
(1847-1912), Russell ha cavato un bizzarro film di paura dai risvolti grotteschi
e farseschi con riferimenti, confusi pił che enigmatici, all'antagonismo tra
cristianesimo e paganesimo. Musiche di Stanislas Syrewicz con cornamuse. Russell
(1927) invecchia male».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«While excavating the grounds of a guesthouse/farm in rural Derbyshire,
archaeology student Angus Flint uncovers a prehistoric skull of what appears to
be some sort of dinosaur. With the Trent sisters, Mary and Eve (who run the
guesthouse) he attends a party at the home of Lord James D'Ampton commemorating
the local legend of how brave knight John D'Ampton slew a giant worm and
protected the villagers. While returning from the party by a country path Angus
learns that Mary and Eve's parents mysteriously vanished there almost a year
ago, in the vicinity of Temple House (residence of Lady Sylvia Marsh). Upon
reaching the farmhouse they are met by Ernie, the local policeman, who informs
Mary that her father's watch has been found at Stonerich Cavern, a treacherous
labyrinth of caves. Following Mary's information that she saw a strange car near
the Temple House grounds, Ernie goes to investigate and is promptly bitten by a
snake, though Lady Sylvia is able to offer assistance. During the course of his
'treatment' he informs her of the discovery of Joe Trent's watch. The next day,
while Mary and Angus investigate the Cavern and before Eve and James have
returned from the party, Lady Sylvia visits the farmhouse, steals the skull and
spits hallucinogenic venom over a crucifix. It is now clear that something Pagan
is afoot...».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: La guarida del Gusano Blanco; Biss Schlangenfrau.