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The Sword of Villon
1956, regia di George Waggner
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Sidney S. Van Keuren - Soggetto: Wilbur S. Peacock - Sceneggiatura: Wilbur S. Peacock - Fotografia: Paul Ivano - Montaggio: Bruce Schoengarth - Art Direction: William Ferrari - Arredamento: Ben Bone - Effetti speciali: Jack R. Glass - Formato: Color - Durata: 30'.
Cast: Errol Flynn, Hillary Brooke, Pamela Duncan, Murvyn Vye, Lois Collier, Mark Dana, Richard Avonde, Sol Gorss, Nesdon Booth.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«This 1956 episode of the CBS dramatic anthology Screen Directors'
Playhouse was historically significant as the first TV appearance by
swashbuckling film idol Errol Flynn. Though his swash had long since been
unbuckled due to excessive high living, the 47-year-old Flynn still cuts quite a
dashing figure in the role of vagabond poet Francois Villon. Aided by a
beautiful mademoiselle named Velvet (Pamela Duncan), Villon sets about to foil
an assassination scheme targetting the King of France. Longtime Abbott and
Costello foil Hillary Brooke costars as The Countess. Thanks to the
diligent archivists at Blackhawk Films, at one time the foremost purveyors of
quality product for the 8- and 16-millimeter home movie enthusiasts, The
Sword of Villon was resurrected from obscurity and restored for public
consumption in the mid-1970s» (Hal Erickson).
Episodio della serie: Screen Directors Playhouse. Errol Flynn è François Villon.