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Sir Gadabout: The Worst Knight in the Land
2002, regia di Angelo Abela, Rupert Jones, Ian Emes, Jim Shields, Nick Wood
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Alibi Pictures - Distribuzione: Chatsworth International Distributors - Sceneggiatura: Alex Williams, Lenny Barker, John Brennan, Nathan Cockerill, Ian Emes, Lucy Goodman, Steve Jeanes, Rupert Jones, Paul McKenzie, Jim Shields - Fotografia: Alan Wright - Montaggio: Dominic Strevens, Matthew Tabern, Liz Webber - Art Direction: Fran Cooper - Set Decoration: Michelle Day, Mary Simcox - Costumi: Maria Liljefors - Musiche: Mark Dyson - Effetti speciali: 4MC - Formato: Color, serie tv in 16 episodi - Durata: 24' ogni episodio.
Cast: Andy Hockley, Jason Thorpe, Kim Wall, Tamsin Egerton, Vincent Franklin, Gillian Wright, Will Theakston, Asier Newman, Damien Goodwin, Dominic McHale, Mark Channon, Dickon Tolson, Ian Lindsay, Joseph Mawle.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«Sir Gadabout: The Worst Knight in the Land was a British children's comedy
television programme, broadcast on CITV. It originally aired between February
11, 2002 and May 9, 2003. In Camelot Sir Gadabout is a nightmare of the round
table as his devotion to the task of protecting King Arthur undermined by
constant blundering. He is often teased by the other knights, particularly the
handsome but irritating Sir Lancelot, who Gadabout and his friends frequently
try to get the better of. At the head of the round table is the legendary King
Arthur who tolerates Gadabout's blundering as he sympathises with him - he too
being a terrible blunderer. His teenage daughter, Princess Elenora, is by far
more intelligent and capable than her father. She often aids Gadabout and his
squire Will (Later Juan) in their adventures. The kingdom is terrorised by the
terrible twosome Sir Rancid and his "Nanny" - a comical version of Sir Mordred
and his aunt Morgan le Fay - who are set on destroying Camelot and the round
table. Their attempts to destroy Camelot are always stopped by the intervention
of Gadabout, Will, and the mysterious "Sir Knight". The only one who knows the
identity of "Sir Knight" is Merlin, who watches over Camelot in his crystal ball.