Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Indice alfabetico dei film |
1992, regia di Jack Olesker
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: American Film Investment Corporation, Golden Films, Goodtimes Entertainment - Distribuzione: Goodtimes Home Video, Goodtimes Entertainment - Soggetto e sceneggiatura: Jack Olesker - Formato: Color, animazione, film tv - Durata: 50'.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«After being shipwrecked, Sinbad the
Sailor and his companion Habbib are stranded in a strange island, but soon
discover that said island is inhabited by a king and his children. The king asks
Sinbad to marry his daughter and Sinbad unwillingly promises to do so. However,
soon Sinbad and Habbib come up with a clever plan to escape and they manage to
do so, unfortunately, are later found by the king and exiled to a lost island
filled with dangers. It will take Sinbad's courage and intelligence to survive
here and return safely home».
Approfondimenti: Movie