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Secret Passage
2004, regia di Ademir Kenovic
Scheda: Nazione: GB-Lussemburgo - Produzione: CRG International Delux Productions, Zephyr Films Ltd. - Distribuzione: IAC Films - Soggetto: Ademir Kenovic - Sceneggiatura: Ademir Kenovic - Fotografia: Vilko Filac - Montaggio: Robin Sales - Scenografia: Franco Fumagalli - Costumi: Gabriella Pescucci, Carlo Poggioli - Musiche: Stephen Warbeck - Effetti speciali: Alain Couty, Alain Carsoux - Formato: Color - Durata: 94'.
Cast: John Turturro, Alessandra Costanzo, Christelle Bulckaen, Hannah Taylor
-Gordon, Katherine Borowitz, Tara Fitzgerald, Chris Bearne, Katherine Borowitz, Alessandro Dieli, Holly Earl, Richard Harrington, Ronald Pickup, Anton Rodgers, Poppy Rogers.
Trama e commenti:
- «1492. Tutti gli ebrei spagnoli sono costretti a convertirsi al
cattolicesimo o a fuggire in esilio per evitare la condanna a morte. Due sorelle, Isabelle
(Katherine Borowitz) e Clara (Tara Fitzgerald), si recano a Venezia dove Isabelle organizza dei "passaggi segreti" per i rifugiati che fuggono l'Inquisizione mentre sua sorella Clara s'innamora di un nobile veneziano, Paolo Zane
(John Turturro). Quando Isabelle decide di partire per Istanbul, dove gli ebrei possono vivere liberamente, Clara si rifiuta di
seguirla. ... Secret Passage è stato presentato nel 2003 al The Boston Jewish Film, al Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival e al The Washington Jewish Film Festival; nel 2004 ha aperto il Brooklyn Jewish Film Festival (28 aprile - 2 maggio 2004) e il Vancouver Jewish Film Festival».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«Spain 1492. Inseparable sisters Isabel and Clara have their privileged lives
torn apart by the arrival of the Inquisition, which decrees that all Jews must
either convert to Catholicism or be banished into exile. The sisters flee to
Holland, where Isabel assumes the role of head of the family and arranges for
Clara to marry Alfonso Salvador, with whom Clara has a daughter, Victoria.
Alfonso's trading activities amass a fortune for the family, and he and Isabel
use their influence to help other Jews escape the Inquisition. Despite their
fortune, the threat of discovery is always nearby; tragedy strikes again when
Alfonso's activities are discovered and he is executed. Isabel, Clara and
Victoria must flee once again. This time their destination is the great maritime
empire of Venice, from where they plan to make a final escape to the safety of
Turkey. On arrival in Venice, Isabel tries to negotiate their passage to
Istanbul, but the Turks insist that as payment they want to learn the secrets of
Venetian glassmaking - a national treasure, the details of which are guarded
under death penalty. Isabel realises that she and Clara will have to penetrate
Venetian society if they are to learn the secrets of glass and achieve their
escape to Turkey...».
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: The Lion's Mouth; Verrat in Venedig.