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The Saint and the Hanged Man
2008, regia di Susan Horth
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), Hardy & Sons - Distribuzione: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) - Soggetto: da - Sceneggiatura: Ei - Fotografia: Robin Cox, Douglas Hartington - Montaggio: James Gold - Costumi: Jean Arthur - Musiche: The Harriet Earis Trio - Effetti speciali: Buster Turner - Formato: Color, documentario tv - Durata: 58'.
Cast: Rob Brydon, Hamish MacLeod, Robert Bartlett, Ifor Rowlands, Michael Tavinor, David Daycock, Mark Hayes.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«A fascinating snapshot of medieval society, this documentary narrated by Rob
Brydon uses dramatic reconstructions and original animation to reveal the clash
between reason and the supernatural at the heart of the medieval mind. In 1307,
the full weight of medieval justice descended on the sleepy town of Hereford.
But this court wasn't summoned to prove innocence or guilt. The man on trial
wasn't a murderer or a criminal. In fact, he wasn't even alive. This was a holy
inquiry, called by the Church to prove whether a dead English bishop was
actually a miracle-worker and should be made into a saint. His case was based on
several alleged miracles, the most notorious being the spectacular resurrection
of a hanged man. The man - a Welsh 'terrorist' executed by the state and hanged
twice just to make sure - somehow came back to life. A papal court would use all
the instruments of legal process - witness statements, forensic evidence,
cross-examination - to prove whether it was truly a miracle».