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1987, regia di David Irving
Scheda: Nazione: USA-Israele - Produzione: Golan-Globus Productions - Distribuzione: The Cannon Group, Columbia-Cannon-Warner, Disney Channel, Warner Home Video, MGM Home Entertainment, Anchor Bay Entertainment, Home Box Office, Media Home Entertainment - Soggetto: dalla favola dei Fratelli Grimm - Sceneggiatura: David Irving - Fotografia: David Gurfinkel - Montaggio: Tova Neeman - Art Direction: Charlie Leon - Scenografia: Albert Segal - Costumi: Debbie Leon - Musiche: Max Robert - Effetti speciali: Carlo De Marchis - Formato: Color - Durata: 84'.
Amy Irving, Clive Revill, John Moulder-Brown, Priscilla Pointer, Robert Symonds, Billy Barty, Joseph Bee, Ya'ackov Ben-Sira, Susan Berlin, Igor Borisov, Yael Uziely, Julian Chagrin, Yehuda Efroni, Johnathan Gurfinkel, Jerry Hyman, Samini Koresh, Jack Messinger, Yael Neeman, Johnny Phillips, Michael Schneider, Danny Segev, Ely Shi, Austin Irving.TRAILER
Trama e commenti: - - «Banale adattamento musical
della favola dei fratelli Grimm, con Irving e Barty in parte come protagonisti.
Probabilmente annoierą anche i giovani. Girato in Israele, č stato fatto tutto
in famiglia: il regista e sceneggiatore Irving č il fratello di Amy, e Priscilla
Pointer (che interpreta la Regina) č la madre. Per la cronaca, questo č stato il
primo lungometraggio della Cannon Films tratto da una favola».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb -
- - - - - - - - «Happily
ever after has never been so golden! Amy Irving (Tuck Everlasting) stars as a
miller's daughter who must learn magic from a troll to perform a miracle in this
dazzling musical adaptation of the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tale. Billy
Barty (Willow), the "dean of the screen's little people" (Los Angeles Times),
co-stars as the mischievous troll whose name is the kingdom's best-kept secret!
After Katie's (Irving) father boasts to the king that she can turn grain into
gold, she finds herself thrown in a dungeon with orders to spin straw into gold...
or else! A crafty troll (Barty) agrees to help her perform the seemingly
impossible feat - and land the king's handsome son - but his assistance comes at
a price. Unless she can figure out his unusual name, she must hand over her
firstborn child!».
Conosciuto anche con i titolI: Cannon Movie Tales: Rumpelstiltskin; Rumpelstilzchen.