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1955, regia di Herbert B. Fredersdorf
Scheda: Nazione: Germania (Ovest) - Produzione: Förster Film - Distribuzione: Something Weird Video, K. Gordon Murray Productions, Cinépix Film Properties, Kinowelt Home Entertainment - Soggetto: dalla favola dei Fratelli Grimm - Sceneggiatura: Christof Schulz-Gellen - Fotografia: Ted Kornowicz - Montaggio: Lisa Thiemann - Art Direction: Alfred Butow - Musiche: Richard Stauch - Formato: Eastmancolor - Durata: 82'.
Werner Kruger, Liane Croon, Wilhelm Grothe, Hermann Hartmann, Gunter Hertel, F.W. Schruder-Schrom, Harry Wustenhagen, Helmut Ziegner.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb -
- «The
old king is tired of ruling his kingdom and instead focuses all of his attention
on the royal garden, completely losing sight of the state treasury. When the
miller Mehlsack raves about his daughter Marie and tells him that she can spin
straw into gold, the ruler invites the young lady to his castle straightaway, in
order to see for himself if her extraordinary talents are for real. In a state
of despair, Marie goes to the castle and is put into a room full of straw. She
is expected to spin all of the straw into gold by the next morning.
Rumpelstiltskin, the dwarfed creature from the woods is her only hope. He
hurries willingly to her aid, but the payment that he requests for his help puts
the miller's daughter in a state of deep sorrow?».
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Rumpelstiltskin.
Nel 1965 il film ha conosciuto una riedizione in Colorscope, Rumpelstiltskin (79'), a cura di Paul Nagel, prodotta da K. Gordon Murray e distribuita dalla Trans-International Films. Voce narrante Judy Wallace.