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1967, regia di Gabriel Axel
Scheda: Nazione: Danimarca-Islanda-Svezia - Produzione: ASA Film, Movie Art of Europe, Edda Film - Distribuzione: ASA Filmudlejning, Cinevision Films, Steve Prentoulis Films - Soggetto: dagli Annales Gesta Danorum (VII libro) di Saxo Grammaticus - Sceneggiatura: Gabriel Axel, Frank Jæger - Fotografia: Henning Bendtsen - Montaggio: Lars Brydesen - Art Direction: Walther Dannerfjord, P.A. Lundgren, Niels Wangberg - Costumi: Ulla-Britt Söderlund - Musiche: Per Nørgaard - Effetti speciali: Erik Kjaersgaard, Josef Møller - Formato: Eastmancolor - Durata: :89' (100').
Cast: Oleg Vidov, Gitte Hænning, Eva Dahlbeck, Birgitte Federspiel, Lisbeth Movin, Johannes Meyer, Håkan Jahnberg, Manfred Reddemann, Henning Palner, Gisli Alfredsson, Folmer Rubæk, Borgar Garðarsson, Jörgen Lantz, Frederik Tharaldsen, Sisse Reingaard, Gunnar Björnstrand.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«Director Gabriel Axel set his story in the year 1100 and shot entirely on
location in Iceland. The film involves three brothers who come to avenge their
father's death. They fight the king's three s...( read more )ons with sword and
spear, but the match is a standoff, and at day's end the king declares a truce.
The brothers spend the night at his castle. One of them, Hagbard, falls in love
with the king's daughter, Signe, and she with him».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: La mante rouge; The Red Mantle; Hagbard and Signe.