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Raghu Romeo
2003, regia di Rajat Kapoor
Scheda: Nazione: India - Produzione: Cinematograph, NFDC (National Film Development Corporation of India) - Distribuzione: Shemaroo Video Pvt. Ltd. - Soggetto: ispirato a Romeo e Giulietta di William Shakespeare - Sceneggiatura: Rajat Kapoor - Dialoghi: Saurabh Shukla - Fotografia: Rafey Mahmood - Montaggio: Suresh Pai - Art Direction: Mohd. Tanveer - Costumes: Amit Singh Kharbanda - Musiche: Pritam Chakraborty - Formato: Color, linguaggio Hindi - Durata: 99'.
Cast: Vijay Raaz, Saddiya Siddiqui, Maria Goretti, Saurabh Shukla, Virendra Saxena, Vijay Patkar, Surekha Sikri, Anil Chaudhary.
Trama e commenti:
«Raghu Romeo č una finestra sul pianeta dello star system, aperta sulle vicende di un cameriere
innamorato della protagonista di una soap opera, sequestratore per amore. Secondo la tradizione
del cinema di Bollywood, Raghu Romeo mescola realtą e fantasia, come nei momenti musicali che,
con coreografie coloratissime, esprimono la straripante immaginazione di
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
- «...
This unknown work of independent type cinema is really far superior to all the
main stream crap being released these days. ...
The story is a little hollywood rip offish but its thoroughly entertaining for
the discriminating movie viewer. Free of any suerficial profundity it is
sometimes satirical, sometimes outrageous, but all in all an excellent portrayal
of fantastic reality. ... Led
by a cast of relative unknowns, this movie is leagues beyond the ordinary
because of the atypical direction and the exceptional acting displayed by the
team .Its a tragic comedy, in the same vein as shakespeare even. Only much
simpler and easier to understand. The
entire team deserves a thumping round of applause for daring to be original and
pulling it off with such alacrity».
Approfondimenti: Movie