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Petri tårar
1995, regia di Erich Hörtnagl
Scheda: Nazione: Danimarca-Finlandia-Norvegia-Svezia - Produzione: FilmTeknik, MovieMakers, Northern LightsSvensk Filmindustri, Svenska Filminstitutet, TV4 Sweden - Soggetto: da un racconto di Peter Kihlgård - Sceneggiatura: Jonas Cornell, Erich Hörtnagl - Fotografia: Rolf Lindström, Lasse Karlsson - Montaggio: Lasse Lundberg - Scenografia: Jan Olof Ågren - Set Decoration: Anna-Lena Hansen - Costumi: Gunilla Norlund - Musiche: Haimo Wisser - Formato: Color - Durata: 100'.
Cast: Izabella Scorupco, Carl-Einar Häckner, Rolf Lassgård, Enrico Bonavera, Lasse Pöysti, Leif Andrée, Ritva Valkama, Erika Höghede, Marianne Hedengrahn, Jan Malmsjö, Johanna Sällström, Robert Sjöblom, Asko Sarkola, Bernt Ström, Niklas Falk.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«According to medieval legend, the "Tears of Saint Peter" is a strange elixir
said to be able to heal and restore the dead to life. Using the concoction,
Carla devises an ingenious plot to rob a wealthy mayor in this Swedish
comedy-drama set in the late 15th century. Disguising herself as a man, whom she
calls Carlo Marcellini, Carla wants to use the potion to bring back every
townsman who has died over the previous ten years. Unfortunately, she falls in
love with the mayor's son who makes her promise to also resurrect his beloved,
late fiancee. This is a rather randy film and features medieval orgies and
full-frontal male nudity» (Sandra Brennan).