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La Papesse
1975, regia di Mario Mercier
Scheda: Nazione: Francia - Produzione: Les Films de la Boétie, Régis Films - Distribuzione: Patchfinder Pictures,, Force Entertainment, Cinéma International Corporation, Regionale - Soggetto: Mario Mercier - Sceneggiatura: Robert Paillardon - Fotografia: Robert Schneider - Montaggio: Claudine Merlin - Costumi: Maïté Mercier - Musiche: Daniel Brisseau, Eric Demarsan - Formato: Technicolor - Durata: 95'.
Cast: Jean-François Delatour, Geziale, Lisa Livane, Erika Maaz, Lina Olsen, Mathias von Huppert.
Trama e commenti:
- «Laurent,
sedicente artista, si è messo in contatto con la setta satanica della Papessa
Jesial la quale, tramite l'assistente in prima Itra, lo sottopone a numerose
prove prima di immetterlo nel gruppo e alle orgiastiche celebrazioni. Pressata
dal marito, anche Alina entra in contatto con la setta di cui, essendo
complessata e nevrotica, dovrebbe divenire una ottima medium. Ma Jesial e i suoi
demoniaci seguaci hanno intenzioni tutt'altro che tenere nei confronti dei due
coniugi. Infatti, nel corso di uno sfrenato sabba notturno, Alina viene
violentata e seviziata ripetutamente sino a che, impazzita e in fuga, viene
raggiunta e uccisa dal cane di Borg. Laurent, celebrate le nozze con la papessa,
viene dilaniato a morte dalla stessa dopo che, congiuntosi a lei, le ha
garantito l'infernale discendenza».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«La Papesse is an odd, savage and hypnotic French erotic horror film of the
1970s. Its director Mario Mercier is now better known as an expert on the Tarot
and shamanism than he is as a film-maker, having only made one other movie, the
earlier and elusive Erotic Witchcraft aka La Goulve. Mercier's
occult credentials serve him well, as this film effortlessly achieves a strange
supernatural aura that a dozen other occult themed horror films from the same
decade couldn't come close to achieving. It concerns a man whose initiation into
a pagan cult in a mountainous region of rural France comes at the cost of his
wife and ultimately, his life. Weird and lyrical, the film never lets you settle
into anything approaching a traditional narrative, instead it throttles you with
a stream of violent, sexy and surreal set pieces filled with sadism, primitive
special effects, hot naked euro-babes and apparently real honest-to-goddess
magickal rites. It almost doesn't matter what it all "means" or whether or not
there's a coherent story, it's the oddly galvanizing effect of the images burned
into your cerebellum that gives the film it's hedonistic power. Only during a
few moments of obvious budget limitation does the spell break; a rather
unconvincing fatal dog attack comes to mind. And animal lovers will find offense
at certain scenes which could never be put in a feature film today. So beware.
Beware also if you like your movies simple and straightforward, with pleasures
handed to you on a platter or hammered onto your head. La Papesse makes
you work, in effect, initiates you into it's particular, peculiar cult. Can you
take it?».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: A Woman Possessed; I riti erotici della papessa Jesial.