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Morte d'Arthur
1984, regia di Gillian Lynne
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) - Distribuzione: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) - Soggetto: dall'omonimo romanzo di Thomas Malory - Adattamento John Barton - Costumi: Ann Arnold - Musiche: Stephen Oliver - Formato: Color, film tv - Durata: 240'.
Cast: Jeremy Brett, Roland Alexander, John Barton, Anton Dolin, Graeme Edler, Nickolas Grace, Jona Jones, Roy Jones, Barbara Kellerman, Maurice Lane, Val Meredok, Cheryl Pay, David Robb, John Thornton, Judi Trott, Frederick Warder, Barrie Young.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«King Arthur faces his doom as his kingdom is undermined from within by the
love of his queen for Sir Launcelot, and the treachery of Mordred, his son born
of incest».