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Le martyre de Saint Sébastien
1984, regia di Petr Weigl
Scheda: Nazione: Germania Ovest - Produzione: UNITEL, TV 2000, Westdeutscher Rundfunk - Distribuzione: UNITEL - Soggetto: dal dramma di Gabriele D'Annunzio - Sceneggiatura: Petr Weigl - Fotografia: Jirí Kadanka - Montaggio: Karel Kohout - Costumi: Milan Corba - Musiche: Choeur de Radio France, Orchestre National de France - Formato: Color, film tv - Durata: 82'.
Michael Biehn, Nicholas Clay, Franco Citti, Pietro Speciale, Fabio Caretti, Urs Althaus, Jan Gabriel, Ivan Varga, Jana Hlavácová, Michal Gulyás, Lubomír Martinik, Andrea Coppola, Pavol Mikulík, Milan Riehs, Jan Preucil.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb: «Sebastian,
Chief Archer in the Roman Army, converts to Christianity. A favorite of Emperor
Augustus, Sebastian's devotion to Christ eventually drives him to reject the
Emperor's love, causing the Emperor to angrily order Sebastian to be shot with
arrows by his fellow archers. The film retells this mystery play with a definite
'art-house' approach: an almost poetical use of language, singing, dancing, some
homoerotic themes, and some special effects».
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian.