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1997, regia di Jeremy Freeston
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Cromwell Productions Ltd., Grampian Television, Lamancha Productions - Distribuzione: CJP Public Relations - Soggetto: dall'omonima tragedia di William Shakespeare - Sceneggiatura: Bob Carruthers, Jeremy Freeston - Fotografia: Dave Miller - Montaggio: Chris Gormlie, Owen Parker - Costumi: Karen Smith - Musiche: Richard Cherns, Paul Farrer - Formato: Color - Durata: 129'.
Cast: Jason Connery, Helen Baxendale, Graham McTavish, Kenneth Bryans, Kern Falconer, Hildegarde Neil, Chris Gormlie, Jean Trend, Phillipa Peak, Iain Stuart Robertson, John Corvin, Ross Dunsmore, Paul MacDonald, Phil Wallace, Dominic Borrelli, Carl Watt, Jock Ferguson, Michael Leighton, James Tovell, Robert Little, Tess Dignan, Jamie Main, Brian Blessed.
Trama e commenti: «...è del 1997 un
diretto da Jeremy Freeston, tentativo solo parzialmente riuscito di creare
un’opera totalmente rappresentativa dello spirito scozzese del dramma
shakespeariano e che sembra non tenere conto dei precedenti di
Welles e
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«Wrongly described as the first version of “the Scottish play” with
indigenous accents, this doggedly low-budget affair lacks the power or cinematic
imagination of earlier efforts by Orson Welles, Akira Kurosawa and Roman
Polanski. As Macbeth, a role long coveted by his father, Jason Connery is
suitably hesitant in his ambition, but there's a suspicion this owes more to his
discomfort with the difficult dialogue than character insight. Helen Baxendale
is similarly troubled as his scheming wife, so it's left to supporting players
like Graham McTavish to steady the ship. Director Jeremy Freeston has some
splendid locations to work with; a pity, then, he shoots much of the dialogue in
suffocating close-up».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Tra le locations del film: Blackness Castle