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The Life and Death of Sir John Falstaff
, a cura di Ronald Eyre
Scheda: Nazione:
GB - Produzione: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) - Distribuzione: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) - Soggetto: ispirato alle opere (in particolare all'Enrico IV) di William Shakespeare - Sceneggiatura: Ronald Eyre - Costumi: Maureen Muggeridge - Musiche: Lionel Salter - Formato: B.N., serie tv in 7 episodi - Formato: 30' ogni episodio.Cast: Roger Livesey, George Benson, Eric Thompson, Colin Jeavons, Martin Gordon, David Webb, Roderick Cook, Robert Harris, Walter Hudd, Brian Moorehead, Audrey Noble, Edward Brooks, Paul Daneman, Brian Drew, Meriel Hunn, David Langford, Colin Vancao, Esmond Webb, Michael Wells, Jerome Willis.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
«Between 20 January and
3 March 1959, the BBC broadcast the seven-part The Life and Death of Sir
John Falstaff, adapted and produced by the playwright Ronald Eyre into seven
half-hour episodes aimed at schools, with material sourced from the Henry IV
plays. Husky-voiced Roger Livesey played Falstaff...».