1983, regia di Peter Yates
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Columbia Pictures Corporation, Barclays Mercantile Industrial Finance - Distribuzione: CEIAD, Columbia Pictures, Cinema Classics - Soggetto: Stanford Sherman - Sceneggiatura: Stanford Sherman - Fotografia: Peter Suschitzky - Montaggio: Ray Lovejoy - Art Direction: Tony Curtis, Norman Dorme, Colin Grimes, Tony Reading - Costumi: Anthony Mendleson - Musiche: James Horner - Effetti speciali: John Evans, Mark Meddings, Derek Meddings - Formato: Scope Metrocolor - Durata: 117'.
Cast: Ken Marshall, Lysette Anthony, Freddie Jones, Liam Neeson, Francesca Annis, Alun Armstrong, David Battley, Bernard Bresslaw, John Welsh, Graham McGrath, Tony Church, Bernard Archard, Belinda Mayne, Dicken Ashworth, Todd Carty, Robbie Coltrane, Clare McIntyre, Bronco McLoughlin, Andy Bradford, Gerard Naprous, Bill Weston.
Trama e commenti:
kataweb.it -
«...misto di fantasia e fantascienza è
quello che abbiamo in Krull (1983, di Peter Yates), dove spade e mostri
si intersecano alla magia ed alla scienza, a pistole laser ed altri mondi: la
storia del principe Colwyn (Ken Marshall) alla ricerca dell’amata principessa
Lyssa, rapita dai servi della Bestia e trasportata in una magica torre che si
teletrasporta lontano da un giorno all’altro è narrata con poca scaltrezza dallo
sceneggiatore Stanford Sherman ed il risultato è un mediocre science fantasy,
lontano anni luce dal suo modello principale, la saga di
Guerre stellari, ma anche da buona parte dei fantasy più
puri che si giravano in quegli anni».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
- coldfusionvideo.com -
remotecentral.com -
badmovies.org -
efilmcritic.com -
filmcriticsunited.com -
cinepassion.org -
dvd-center.de -
outnow.ch -
variety.com: «Although
inoffensively designed only to please the senses and appeal to one's whimsical
sense of adventure, Krull nevertheless comes off as a blatantly derivative
hodgepodge of
Wars. Lavishly mounted at a reported cost of $27 million,
the collection of action set pieces never jells into an absorbing narrative.
Plot is as old as the art of story-telling itself. Young Prince Colwyn (Ken
Marshall) falls heir to a besieged kingdom, but must survive a Ulysses-scaled
series of tests on the way to rescuing his beautiful bride from the clutches of
the Beast, whose army of slayers imperils his journey every step of the way.
Crucial to Colwyn's quest is his recovery of the glaive, a razor-tipped,
spinning boomerang which will enable him to combat the Beast. This fancy piece
of magical jewelry holds the same importance as the Excalibur sword did for
Arthur. Professionalism of director Peter Yates, the large array of production
and technical talents and, particularly, the mainly British actors keep things
from becoming genuinely dull or laughable».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Dragons of Krull; Dungeons and Dragons; The Dungeons of Krull; Krull: Invaders of the Black Fortress.
La recensione di Cuccu'ssette su "Terre di Confine"