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Królowa Bona
1980, regia di Janusz Majewski
Scheda: Nazione: Polonia - Produzione: Telewizja Polska S.A. - Distribuzione: TVRiP - Soggetto: Halina Auderska - Sceneggiatura: Halina Auderska - Fotografia: Zygmunt Samosiuk - Scenografia: Andrzej Halinski - Musiche: Zdzisław Szostak - Formato: Color, serie tv - Durata: 52' ogni episodio, 660' l'intera serie.
Cast: Piotr Garlicki, Renata Frieman-Krynska, Piotr Fronczewski, Zdzislaw Kozien, Jan Machulski, Leonard Pietraszak, Halina Rowicka, Monika Solubianka, Andrzej Szczepkowski, Jerzy Kamas, Barbara Bursztynowicz, Józef Duriasz, Józef Para, Wiktor Sadecki, Henryk Bista, Zdzislaw Wardejn, Olgierd Lukaszewicz, Jerzy Trela, Jan Tesarz, Wlodzimierz Borunski.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«Polish Queen Bona was born into the powerful Milanese House of Sforza, and
became the wife of King Sigismund I the Old (and Queen of Poland and Grand
Duchess of Lithuania) in 1518.
Considered to be very clever, really interested in Polish politics (often too
much!), greedy and deceitful, she was also a great cultural patron of young
Poles and artists, and also, the best thing in my opinion, she introduced us to
the mirepoix! You probably think it is funny, but now our cuisine cannot go
without it! ...».
Serie tv in 12 episodi in onda dal dicembre 1980 al maggio 1981, conosciuta anche con il titolo: Bona Sforza.