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King Richard the Second
1978, regia di David Giles
Nazione: GB-USA
- Produzione:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
- Distribuzione: BBC Video,
Time-Life Television Productions - Soggetto: dalla tragedia di
William Shakespeare - Scenografia: Tony Abbott - Costumi: Robin Fraser-Paye -
Music Adviser: David Lloyd-Jones -
Musiche: William Walton - Formato: Color - Durata: 158'.
Derek Jacobi, John Gielgud, Wendy Hiller, Jon
Finch, Joe Ritchie, Bruno Barnabe, Alan Collins, Carl Oatley, Jonathan Adams,
Ronald Fernee, John Curless, David Garfield, Phillida Sewell, Damien Thomas,
Robin Sachs, Jeremy Bulloch, Jeffrey Holland, Janet Maw, Richard Owens, Charles
Keating, Clifford Rose, David Swift, Mary Morris, Charles Gray.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«A quarrel erupts between the Duke of Hereford, Henry Bolingbroke (Jon Finch),
and the Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray (Richard Owens). According to
Bolingbroke, Mowbray misappropriated government money and plotted the death of
the Duke of Gloucester. Mowbray denies the charges, accusing Bolingbroke of
being a slanderous coward. King Richard II (Derek Jacobi) first approves their
proposal to settle their differences in a jousting duel, then decides to banish
both of them -- Norfolk for life and Bolingbroke for six years. The lighter
sentence for Bolingbroke masks Richard's hatred of Henry, who is so popular with
the people that he poses a threat to the crown. While Bolingbroke is in exile,
his father, the much-loved John of Gaunt (Sir John Gielgud), dies, and Richard
appropriates his estate -- Henry's inheritance -- to help pay for a military
campaign he personally conducts against rebels in Ireland. Nobles protest
seizure of the inheritance, siding with Bolingbroke. Heartened, Bolingbroke
returns from exile, organizes his supporters, and executes two of Richard's
friends. Richard returns from Ireland to defend his realm. But after 20,000
Welsh troops desert to Bolingbroke, Richard takes refuge in Flint Castle, then
surrenders to his foe. After being forced to give up the throne, Henry imprisons
Richard in the Tower of London and announces his own coronation» (Mike
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Richard II; The Complete Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: King Richard the Second.