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HOLLYWOOD che canta
(Hollywood revue of 1929)
1929, regia di Charles Reisner
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Distribuzione: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Soggetto: con riferimenti a Giulietta e Romeo di William Shakespeare - Sceneggiatura: Al Boasberg, Joseph Farnham, Robert E. Hopkins - Fotografia: John Arnold, Maximilian Fabian, Irving G. Ries, John M. Nickolaus - Montaggio: William S. Gray, Cameron K. Wood - Art Direction: Richard Day, Cedric Gibbons - Costumi: David Cox, Erté, Henrietta Frazer, Joe Rapf - Coreografie: Sammy Lee - Musiche: Gus Edwards, Joe Goodwin, Nacio Herb Brown, Arthur Freed, Dave Snell, Louis Alter, Jessie Greer, Ray Klages, Martin Broones, Fred Fisher, Jo Trent, Avy Rice, Ballard MacDonald - Orchestra diretta da: Arthur Lange - Formato: Technicolor, B.N. - Durata: 120' (112').
Cast: Conrad Nagel, Buster Keaton, Bessie Love, Laurel and Hardy, Joan Crawford, William Haines, Anita Page, Karl Dane, George K. Arthur, Gwen Lee, Ernest Belcher's Dancing Tots, Marie Dressler, Marion Davies, Cliff Edwards, Charles King, Polly Moran, Gus Edwards, Lionel Barrymore, Jack Benny, Brox Sisters, the Albertina Rasch Ballet, Natacha Natova and Company, the Rounders, Norma Shearer, John Gilbert.
Trama e commenti:
«...un film passerella delle star della casa dove a Stan e Babe è affidato uno sketch di magia con risvolti comici. I pezzi forti del film, sono andati perduti a causa del difettoso Technicolor dell'epoca. Per fortuna i pezzi comici e i siparietti (tra i quali la scenetta di Laurel and Hardy) erano stati girati in bianco e nero e sono stati risparmiati dal
tempo...». Il riferimento alla tragedia shakespeariana è nella scenetta di John
Gilbert e Norma Shearer sul
balcone di Giulietta.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
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- «This slow-moving affair was conceived as a showcase for MGM's roster of stars, as well as their new sound equipment. Basically, this means we get a string of musical numbers broken up by quasi-comedic exchanges between the stars. Mostly for fans of music from that period (ukeleles!), although there are plenty of historical curiosities (Marion Davies!) as well. Probably more fun to watch at the time than it is now. Still, it would be fun to see today's stars do something like this...
Includes an early Technicolor sequence of Norma Shearer and John Gilbert, two of the most popular romantic leads of the time, doing the balcony scene from
Romeo and Juliet. Seven years later, Shearer would finally get make the full-length
movie version of the play she had been pushing for for years, but because Gilbert had destroyed his career by that point, her Romeo was Leslie
Approfondimenti: Movie
Del film è stata realizzata una versione tedesca (Wir Schalten um auf Hollywood), per la regia di Frank Reicher.