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Historyonics: Mary, Queen of Scots
2004, regia di Dafydd Palfrey
Nazione: GB
- Produzione: BBC Bristol
- Distribuzione:
BBC - Serie diretta da: Dafydd Palfrey - Soggetto: Nick
Knowles - Sceneggiatura: Nick Knowles - Montaggio: Gary Skipton -
Formato: Color, film tv,
documentario - Durata:
Cast: Nick Knowles, Amanda Horlock, Mary Ryder, Simon Kirk, Mark Brisbourne.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«In 2003 a satirical but factual look at English history was broadcast by the
BBC, entitled Historyonics. John [Knowless] played the part of the
minstrel in the Robin Hood episode, and was used (and abused) as an extra
in subsequent episodes: a Scottish Lord and bagpiper in Mary, Queen of Scots;
and a Roman and a Celt in The Romans. Each episode took a full week to
film (for just 30 minutes of playing time) and some of the locations were
stunning: Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight and the New Forest to name but
two. The series was a wonderful experience spent with some of the finest actors,
stuntmen and crew in the country». «Heroine of Scotland or run out of town by her own countrymen. Waif or witch? Or maybe like most of us a bit of each. Her life was a rollercoaster ride and we buy a family all day ticket with free candy floss and ride it into the ground. What does this mean? Well just watch the programme and find out exactly who she was».
Episodio 6 della stagione 1 della serie tv Historyonics.