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Good morning, Eve!
1934, regia di Roy Mack
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: The Vitaphone Corporation, Warner Bros. Pictures - Distribuzione: Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Home Video - Soggetto: da - Sceneggiatura: Cyrus Wood, Eddie Moran, A. Dorian Otvos - Fotografia: Ray Rennahan - Montaggio: Frank Magee - Art Direction: John Hughes - Costumi: Milo Anderson - Formato: Technicolo, corto - Durata: 19'.
Cast: Leon Errol, June MacCloy, Vernon Dent, Maxine Doyle, Martha Merrill, Loretta Andrews, Mildred Dixon, Bill Elliott, Eddie Foster, Donna Mae Roberts, Harry Seymour, Fred 'Snowflake' Toones.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«This wacky Warner Bros. two-reeler was only the second live-action short to
be filmed in three-strip Technicolor, and the hues are still vibrant today. It's
an odd little film -- Leon Errol and June MacCloy play Adam and Eve (Errol wears
spats with his fig leaves). Once Eve partakes of the forbidden apple, the couple
embarks on a trip through the ages -- a singing, dancing, and wisecracking trip,
of course. Most amusing is the scene in ancient Rome where Vernon Dent plays
Nero and warbles a tune. Also represented are the days of Greece, Camelot, and
finally they reach modern times (or as modern as they could get in 1934), in
which a group of bathing suit-clad dancers perform a tightly choreographed
number with beach balls. Overall, the short is only mildly amusing, and the fact
that it is in color is really its biggest selling point» (Janiss Garza).