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La freccia del giustiziere
(Wilhelm Tell)
1960, regia di Michel Dickoff
Scheda: Nazione: Svizzera - Produzione: URS-Berretta - Distribuzione: Regionale - Soggetto: dalle Cronache svizzere di Frid von Schiller - Sceneggiatura: Michel Dickoff, Karl Hartl, Max Frisch, Luise Kaelin, Hannes Schmidhauser - Fotografia: Hans Schneeberger - Musiche: Hans Hang - Formato: Eastmancolor - Durata: 90' (100').
Robert Freitag, Marie Becker, Leopold Biberti, Zarli Carigiet, Hellen Hessen, Karl Pistorius, Hannes Schmidhauser, Wolfgang Rottsieper, Birke Bruck, Raimund Bucher, Alfred Lohner, Alfred Schlageter, Peter Schmitz, Georges Weiss, Heinz Woester.
Trama e commenti:
- «La
storia del leggendario Guglielmo Tell stavolta è raccontata in casa: la
Svizzera, che ha realizzato il film, non ha badato a spese. Dopo essere stato
arrestato per il suo atteggiamento insolente nei confronti del tiranno Gessler,
Guglielmo Tell fugge e organizza la rivolta dei suoi connazionali».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
- «
Meant to memorialize the legendary 13th century Swiss hero Wilhelm Tell (William
to English-speakers), this costume drama by novice director Michel Dickoff does
not do justice to the legend.The uneven story relates how Gessler (Wolfgang
Rottsieper) the governor over the general area of Switzerland, set up a pole
with a hat in Austrian colors right in the center of Altdorf square. Everyone
had to bow to the hat and when William Tell (Robert Freitag) refuses, Gessler
orders him to shoot an apple off his son's head at 50 paces, or he would be
executed. Even when the famed marksman succeeds in this legendary shot, he is
still condemned to prison. A boat is prepared to take him across Lake Lucerne to
the jail. Gessler and others get on board and before long, a high south wind
comes up and threatens to capsize the craft. The story continues with the saga,
as Tell's exploits take him into history as a key figure in Swiss independence»
(Eleanor Mannikka).
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Bergfeuer lodern.