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1969, regia di Paul Verhoeven
Scheda: Nazione: Olanda - Produzione: Max Appelboom Producties, Cinécentrum N.V. - Distribuzione: Nederlandse Omroepstichting - Soggetto: ispirato al racconto epico cavalleresco Floris ende Blancefloer - Sceneggiatura: Gerard Soeteman - Fotografia: Ton Bune - Montaggio: Jan Bosdriesz, Anton Kortekaas - Art Direction: Jan P. Koenraads - Costumi: Robert Bos - Musiche: Julius Steffaro, Jack Trombey - Formato: B.N. - Durata: 30' ogni episodio.
Rutger Hauer, Jos Bergman, Ton Vos, Hans Culeman, Tim Beekman, Hans Kemna, Hammy De Beukelaer, Ida Bons, Hans Boskamp, Diana Dobbelman, Jacco van Renesse.
Trama e commenti:
- «Nel 1969 [Paul
Verhoeven] realizza Floris, serie tv in 12 puntate di grande successo in
Olanda, sulla storia di un cavaliere medioevale interpretato dall'attore Rutger
Hauer, che in seguito apparirà in diversi film del regista. Già dai suoi primi
lavori dimostra la sua attitudine per un tipo di cinema solido alla ricerca di
equilibrio tra la forza, l’originalità del materiale narrativo e le esigenze
della spettacolarizzazione».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
- «The
success of television series like the British
Ivanhoe, the French Thierry La
Fronde and the Flemish Johan en de Alverman inspired Carel Enkelaar,
manager of NTS (forerunner of Nederlandse Programma Stichting) to make a similar
series, set in the Netherlands. It was written by Gerard Soeteman. The series,
though filmed in black & white, was very successful, and had many reruns through
the years. It has also been shown in East Germany and Scotland. It has Count
Floris van Roozemond (spelling varies with o/oo, s/z and d/dt), returning home
after a trip around the world, and accompanied by the Indian Sindala (Bergman),
only to find his castle occupied by Maarten van Rossum, upon which he sides with
Wolter van Oldesteijn, who is allied with Burgundy against Karel van Gelre, the
duke of Gelre, who is allied with the Frisian pirate Greate Pier. Note that,
apart from Sindala, these are historical figures, but if this Floris would have
been Floris V of Holland he would have been an anachronism because he lived in
the late 14th century and the others around 1500. A clear anachronism is the
presence of the pirate Greate Pier, who was indeed a contemprary, but not active
as pirate or such before the death of Philip the Handsome. In the series, Pier
is always guarded and surrounded by at least three Arumer Black Heap-members (Gelderse
Friezen, as been called in the series)...».
Serie di 12 episodi, in onda nella tv olandese dal 5 ottobre al 21 dicembre 1969.