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Doctor Who: The Crusade
1999, regia di Douglas Camfield, Paul Vanezis
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Worldwide - Distribuzione: BBC Worldwide - Soggetto: Sydney Newman - Sceneggiatura: Steve Cole, David Whitaker - Montaggio: Pam Bosworth - Costumi: Daphne Dare - Musiche: Dudley Simpson - Formato: B.N. - Durata: 100'.
Cast: William Hartnell, William Russell, Jacqueline Hill, Maureen O'Brien, Julian Glover, John Bay, Jean Marsh, Walter Randall, John Flint, Roger Avon, Bernard Kay, Reg Pritchard.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
«This is a combined video release of The Crusade and The Space
Museum, episodes of
Doctor Who. In a total departure from previous Missing Episode
releases where former Doctor Who stars just played themselves, William Russell
actually plays Ian Chesterton, filling in the gaps for the missing two episodes
from The Crusade. It's a nice, nostalgic touch. The episodes themselves
are very good. Even The Space Museum which has a bad rep amongst some
fans of the show. Doctor Who fans should love it».