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It Ain't All It's Cracked up to Be
1990, regia di Kim Friedman
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Toots Productions, Warner Bros. Television - Distribuzione: American Broadcasting Company, Warner Bros. Television - Creatore della serie: Michael Braverman - Sceneggiatura: Star Frohman - Art Direction: Gregory A. Weimerskirch - SMusiche: Craig Safan - Formato: Color, film tv - Durata: 60'.
Cast: Bill Smitrovich, Patti LuPone, Chris Burke, Kellie Martin, Monique Lanier, Ginger Alden, Ami Foster, Billy Gallo, Dinah Lacey, James Nixon, Dick Patterson, Loyda Ramos, Denise Richards, Reni Santoni, Edmund L. Shaff, Hilary Van Dyke, Ann Walker, Jennifer Warren.
Hilary Van Dyke
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«Becca enters a Miss Teen contest and finds out that she is sharing a room
with none other than Rona Lieberman. Scholarship money is at stake in this
pageant. Becca gets know Rona a little better after Rona's mother shows up at
the pageant drunk and makes a fool of Rona during her piano performance. Drew
has problems with the new neighbors because their son has a band and plays loud
music. Corky tries out for chorus but doesn't make it because he can't sing.
Later the neighbor boy gives Corky his old set of drums and Corky seems to be
quite talented at playing them. Drew and the neighbors make peace».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Episodio 17 della prima stagione (4 marzo 1990) della serie tv Life Goes On. Hilary Van Dyke è Giovanna d'Arco.