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La corona del diavolo
(The Devil's Crown)
1978, regia di Alan Cooke, Jane Howell, Jack Russell, Ken Taylor
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), RAI 2, TF1, Time-Life Television Productions Inc., Télécip, TSR (Télévision Suisse-Romande) - Distribuzione: RTB (Radio Télévision Belge) - Soggetto: Jack Russell, Ken Taylor - Sceneggiatura: Jack Russell, Ken Taylor - Formato: Color, serie tv - Durata: 50' (ognuno dei 13 episodi).
Brian Cox, Michael Byrne, John Duttine, Ralph Arliss, Lynsey Baxter, Peter Benson, Roy Boyd, Lucy Gutteridge, Michael Hawkins, Ian Hogg, Charles Kay, Jane Lapotaire, Ralph Michael, Patrick Troughton.
Trama e commenti: - «La
storia della dinastia di Plantageneti nell'Inghilterra del dodicesimo secolo.
Inizia con il turbolento Enrico II, continua (malamente) con Riccardo Cuor di
Leone e con il fratello (e successore) Giovanni Senza Terra. Uno sceneggiato
scritto e diretto benissimo, pur realizzato con mezzi molto limitati (è girato
tutto in interni)».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
- «A
beautifully-directed BBC production, intermeshing the personal dramas, foibles
and tragedies of a ruling dynasty with the endless wars and political crises of
early medieval England. Brian Cox puts in a gutsy performance as Henry (every
bit as strong as Peter O'Toole's in
The Lion in
Winter), and Jane Lapotaire is an exquisitely-observed
Eleanor. Michael Byrne as the guilt-ridden, sadistic Richard and John Duttine,
as the wily John, give multi-layered performances which challenge history's
stereotypes of both Kings. This production is reminiscent of I Claudius
in its contemporary dialogue, its tightly-written, often sharply humourous
scripts and in the fact that it is entirely studio-bound. Like Claudius, it
proved that dramatic locations, lavish costumes and bizarre camera angles are no
substitutes for classy scripts and actors - a lesson modern TV dramas such as
Rome and Wallis and Edward would have done well to remember. It goes
at its own quirky pace and challenges viewers to keep up, rather than relying on
soft-focus lenses, superficial dialogue and ten-second scenes. Never mind the
lavish but ultimately simplistic 'epics' of modern television - The Devil's
Crown is history for grown-ups».
Serie in 13 episodi trasmessa dalla BBC nel 1978, in Italia da Rai 2 dal settembre 1983.