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The Conclave
2006, regia di Christoph Schrewe
Scheda: Nazione: Germania - Produzione: Studio Hamburg International Production, Saltire Entertainment, Alexander Sextus Ltd. - Distribuzione: Novapool Pictures, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bogeydom Licensing - Soggetto: Paul Donovan - Sceneggiatura: Paul Donovan - Fotografia: Mathias Neumann - Montaggio: Thorben Bieger - Art Direction: Shelley Nieder - Scenografia: Emanuel Jannasch - Set Decoration: Ian Greig - Costumi: Kate Rose - Musiche: Ari Wise - Effetti speciali: Gerold Schmidt, Tim Segulin - Formato: Color - Durata: 100'.
Cast: Manu Fullola, Brian Blessed, James Faulkner, Rolf Kanies, Holger Kunkel, Peter Guinness, Nicholas Irons, Brian Downey, Lolo Herrero, Gaetano Carotenuto, Matthias Koeberlin, Nora Tschirner, Joseph Rutten, Andrew Keilty, Stacey Smith, Richard Donat, John Keogh, Dominic Boeer, John Dunsworth, Lee J. Campbell.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«The Conclave is a courtroom style drama that takes place in Rome in 1458,
five years after the fall of Constantinople to Islam. It follows the story of
twenty-seven-year-old Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia as he fights to save both his
career and his life in his first papal conclave».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Das Konklave.