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Cannon Movie Tales: Beauty and the
1987, regia di Eugene Marner
Scheda: Nazione: USA-Israele - Produzione: Cannon Group - Distribuzione: Cannon Films - Soggetto: dalla favola di Madame de Villeneuve - Sceneggiatura: Carole Lucia Satrina - Fotografia: Avraham Karpick - Montaggio: Tova Asher - Costumi: Buki Shiff - Musiche: Lori McKelvey - Effetti speciali: Terry Glass & John Hargreaves - Formato: Color - Durata: 94'.
John Savage, Rebecca De Mornay, Yossi Graber, Michael Schneider, Carmela Marner, Ruth Harlap, Joseph Bee, Jack Messinger, Tzipi Mor, Firat Kanter, Yaacov Ben-Sira, Rafi Goldvasser, Eduardo Hobshar, Nitzan Zytzer, Eran Lavy, Deborah Sherph, Amiram Atias.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: - - -
- IMDb: «Beauty is the backbone of her family. Without her nothing is ever done and no one is ever on time. But when her father angers a beast living in an enchanted
castle, Beauty takes his punishment. She leaves her family and lives in the castle
where, for the first time in her life, she starts to think about what she really
wants. With her host only appearing at supper time, Beauty finds her own ways to amuse
herself, but...».