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Robin Hood. Il segreto della foresta di Sherwood
(Beyond Sherwood Forest)
2009, regia di Peter DeLuise
Scheda: Nazione: Canada - Produzione: Forrest Road Productions - Distribuzione: Syfy, Anchor Bay Entertainment - Soggetto: Chase Parker - Sceneggiatura: Chase Parker - Fotografia: Adam Sliwinski - Montaggio: Nicole Ratcliffe - Art Direction: Kim Zaharko - Set Decoration: Gail Luining - Costumi: Allisa M. Swanson - Musiche: Darren Fung - Effetti speciali: Leeann Charette, Nancy Heller, Garman Herigstad - Formato: Color, film tv - Durata: 93'.
Cast: Robin Dunne, Erica Durance, Julian Sands, Katharine Isabelle, Mark Gibbon, Cainan Wiebe, Richard de Klerk, Bill Dow, Brent Stait, Paul Lazenby, David Palffy, Terence Kelly, Rowen Kahn, Anna Louise Sargeant, John Novak, Robert Lawrenson, David Richmond-Peck, Tony Morelli, Dolores Drake, Frederique De Raucourt, Lauro Chartrand, Dario Delacio, Brad Kelly, Aidan Pringle.
Trama e commenti: - «Questo è
un'altro film di Robin Hood. E posso dirvi con certezza che un drago lo
troverete. Per la precisione uno dei personaggi di questa storia è una ragazza
che si trasforma in un drago quando viene illuminata dalla luce del sole».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
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«Beyond Sherwood Forest – which aired on SyFy Channel last year and arrived
on home video in May – tries to hammer the Robin Hood mythos into the
sword-and-sorcery genre with terrible results. It is a mess of a film, filled
with unimpressive CGI, a problematic cast, and severe story issues. Beyond
Sherwood Forest starts with a young Robin Hood witnessing a crappy looking
dragon killing his pa. Flash forward a few decades, and Robin Hood (all grown up
and played by Robin Dunne) is stealing from the rich to give to the poor and
pissing off the evil Prince John (David Richmond-Peck). So Prince John enlists
the help of the Sheriff of Nottingham (a very hammy Julian Sands), who uses the
crappy looking dragon from the opening to hunt down and kill Robin Hood. But the
twist is the shitty looking dragon is actually a pretty damn cute looking shape
shifter, Alina (Katharine Isabelle), and the Sheriff promises to help break her
curse of turning into a dragon if she kills both Robin Hood and his merry men.
There’s also this “stargate-looking” effect that separates two worlds and is
never really explained. Fweh!! Got all that? ... The result is a completely
unnecessary attempt to reinvent the Robin Hood story, with minimal action, poor
acting, and really bad effects. You can pass on this one».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Robin Hood: Beyond Sherwood. Robin Dunne è Robin Hood.