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The Arena
2001, regia di Timur Bekmambetov
Scheda: Nazione: Russia-USA - Produzione: Concorde-New Horizons, Juga Films Corporation, Bazelevs Production - Distribuzione: Concorde-New Horizons, New Horizons Home Video, Paris Vídeo - Soggetto: John William Corrington - Sceneggiatura: John William Corrington - Fotografia: Ulugbeck Khamraev - Montaggio: Daniel Kendrick, Dmitri Kiselev, Natalya Kucherenko - Art Direction: Mm - Scenografia: Andrew Zaporozhsky - Costumi: Varvara Avdyushko, Vera Loktionova, Vanessa Lushing - Musiche: Pavel Karmanov, Peter Orloff - Effetti speciali: Bazelevs Production, Man Ink Cafe - Formato: Color - Durata: 92'.
Cast: Karen McDougal, Lisa Dergan, Olga Sutulova, Julia Chicherina, Severina Kamugish Kemirimbe, Viktor Verzhbitsky, Anatoli Mambetov, Alexsei Osipov, Kirill Ulyanov, Gabriel Vorobyov, Leon Maximov, Natalya Surkova, Alexsei Dedov, Igor Botvin, Ernst Romanov, Boris Birman, Jennifer Murphy, Georgina Stoll, Solanje Keenan.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«"An action-packed look at the age of Arena Gladiators during the Roman
Empire. Through the demand of Roman Governor Timarchus--Druid maiden Bodicia,
exotic slave girl Jessemina, and the barbarian Flavius, are each plucked from
their hometowns and brought to The Arena to fight against each other as
gladiators. After being banished by Caesar, Governor Timarchus takes his anger
out on these gladiators and presents to the Romans extremely elaborate displays
of combat, orgy, and death." Playboy playmates may seem unlikely choices to cast
in the lead roles of a Gladiatrix movie; however, in the case of Timur
Bekmambetov's remake of Joe D'Amato's classic exploitation
movie, it proves inspired. Lisa Dergan
and Karen McDougal excel in their roles, bringing real class to this movie...».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Remake del film La rivolta delle gladiatrici (1974). Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Gladiatrix.