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L'Arche du désert
1998, regia di Mohamed Chouikh
Scheda: Nazione: Algeria-Francia-Germania-Svizzera - Produzione: Atlas Films, K-Films Production, Klaus Jürgen Gerke, ENPA, Vulkan Kultur, in associazione con Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Fonds Sud Cinema, Direction de la Coopération au Développement et de l'aide Humanitaire, UNESCO, Fondation Montecinemaverità - Distribuzione: ArtMattan Productions - Soggetto (da Giulietta e Romeo di William Shakespeare): Mohamed Chouikh - Sceneggiatura: Djamila Benfrehat - Fotografia: Mustafa Ben Mihoub - Montaggio: Yamina Chouikh - Costumi: Zola Lamaini - Musiche: Philippe Arthuys, Mohamed Rechoud - Formato: Color - Durata: 90'.
Hacen Abdou, Messaouda Adami, Shyraz Aliane, Smain Allaoi, Myriam Aouffen, Athmane, Abdelkader Belmokadem, Abdelkrime Bencheikh, Ali Bensaïb, Abdelwahabe Boudoya, Mustapha Boudoya, Bahous Bouhafs, Abdelrahim Bouzine, Amin Chouikh, Rachid Dahmane, Hamdou Djaballah, Lynda Fares, Hassen Kachache, Mahfoud Kobi, Mohamed Lakraa, Ali Mehella, Mohamed Mobi, Fatyha Nesserine, Zoubida Saïki, Maamar Selkhe, Djamila Souffi, Tizeggaghine, Norredine Zaoui.
Trama e commenti: - -
«Amin e Myriam si amano pur non appartenendo allo stesso clan… Questo Romeo e
Giulietta del deserto è una bella fiaba contro l’oscurantismo».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb -
- «Algerian director Mohamed Chouikh set this
Romeo and Juliet-themed tale in the Sahara: Young impoverished Amin (Hacen Abdou) and Myriam (Myriam Aouffen), from a wealthy family, are taken by surprise when they are found kissing in the dunes. Long-established religious traditions set various rivalries in motion, tearing the young lovers apart and creating turmoil in the village. At the time this film was released, there had been a series of massacres in Algeria, and Chouikh has explored all the social, religious, political, and geographical forces behind the wanton violence in his native land, in this allegory of two communities at war over a simple, innocent act of love...»
(Bob Stewart, All Movie Guide).
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: The Ark of the Desert; Die Arche in der Wüste.