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1977, regia di Irina Povolotskaya
Nazione: URSS
- Produzione: Studio Gorki
- Distribuzione:
Progress Filmverleih, ARD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland) - Soggetto: da un racconto di S.T. Aksakov - Sceneggiatura: Natalya Ryazantseva - Fotografia: Aleksandr Antipenko - Montaggio: G. Sadovnikova -
Costumi: Berta Kuratova - Musiche: Edison Denisov -
Effetti speciali: Leonid Akimov,
L. Miatshin - Formato: Color - Durata:
Marina Ilyichyova,
Lev Durov,
Alla Demidova,
Aleksei Chernov,
Aleksandr Abdulov,
Valentin Gneushev,
Olga Korytkovskaya,
Yelena Vodolazova,
Valentin Gneuschov,
Yelena Vodolasova.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
- «The
film is based on a fairy tale of the same name by the Russian writer A. Aksakov.
A merchant had three daughters. Setting out for an overseas travel, he promised
to bring them presents, whatever they wished. The two elder sisters asked for
fabrics and other beautiful trinkets. But his youngest and most loved daughter,
Alyona, ordered a remarkable, hitherto unseen wonder – a scarlet flower, which
she dreamed about in her sleep. That flower was to be found in a far-away land,
in the realm of a forest beast. The merchant set off on his trip. He did find
the flower, but ended up a captive of the beast. Alyona followed her father to
the far-away land. Her self-sacrifice was rewarded: the forest beast proved to
be an enchanted handsome prince. The beautiful girl fell in love with him for
his kind heart, freeing him from the spell of the evil sorceress. And they had a
merry wedding party» (Perry Seibert).
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Scarlet Flower; La Fleur écarlate.
1991, regia di Vladimir Grammatikov
Scheda: Nazione: URSS - Produzione: Gorky Film Studios, ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen), Alians Film, JV Starlight, Nordisk Film - Distribuzione: Gorky Film Studios - Soggetto: da un racconto di S.T. Aksakov - Sceneggiatura: William Aldridge, Ivan Biryukov - Formato: Color - Durata: 75'.
Cast: Vladimir Gorodnichyov, Yekaterina Temnikova, Ruslan Shegurov.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Scarlet Flower; Skazka o Kupecheskoj Docheri i Tainstvennom Cvetke; Das Scharlachrote Blumchen.