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Aladdin's Lampoon
1963, regia di William Hanna, Joseph Barbera
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Hanna-Barbera Productions - Distribuzione: Columbia/Screen Gems - Soggetto: Joseph Barbera, William Hanna - Sceneggiatura: Joseph Barbera, William Hanna - Animatori: Kenneth Muse, Carlo Vinci, Dick Lundy, Don Patterson, Ed Love, Bill Keil, George Nicholas, George Goepper, Allen Wilzbach, Hugh Fraser, Jerry Hatchcock, Bob Bentley, Bob Carr, Harry Holt, John Boersema, Ed Aardal, Jack Ozark - Formato: Color, animazione - Durata: 5'.
Personaggi: Touché Turtle, Dum Dum; le voci: Bill Thompson, Alan Reed, Mel Blanc, Daws Butler, Don Messick.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
- - «Touché
Turtle was a swashbuckling hero who didn't appear very formidable.
Brandishing his trusty sword, he traveled the land with his simpleminded
assistant, Dum Dum the dog, protecting innocent folks from dragons, evil knights,
and the occasional robot. When he witnessed someone in need of rescue, the
daring turtle would raise his battle cry, "Touché away!" and race into action,
somehow always managing to save the day before his five-minute cartoons came to
a close. Touché Turtle was offered to local U.S. stations in the early
60's together with Wally Gator and Lippy The Lion as part of the syndicated
package, The New Hanna-Barbera Cartoon Series. Ten years after his series
ended, Touché re-appeared in Yogi's Gang, where he, together with Squiddly
Diddly, Huckleberry Hound and over a dozen others roamed the landscape aboard a
hovering ark, taking on environmental issues».
Episodio della serie tv The New Hanna-Barbera Cartoon Series.