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2009, regia di Justin Hardy
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Hardy and Sons, Hardy Pictures - Distribuzione: BBC Worldwide, Channel 4 Television Corporation, 4dvd, Polyband - Soggetto: Peter Harness - Sceneggiatura: Peter Harness - Fotografia: Douglas Hartington - Montaggio: James Gold - Art Direction: Paul Frost - Scenografia: Mari Lucaccini - Musiche: Richard Blair-Oliphant - Effetti speciali: Nj - Formato: Color, documentario tv in 2 episodi - Durata: 150'.
Cast: Francis Magee, Sam Hardy, Søren Byder, Katrine Bach, Tim Plester, Kate Ambler, Ian Holm, Mike Bailey, Gemma Lawrence, Amber Celeste, Christopher Sloman, Christopher Leveaux, Brendan McCoy.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«1066: The Battle for Middle Earth is a two part documentary drama in which
Justin Hardy tells the story of the great battles of Fulford, Stamford Bridge
and Hastings. Episode 1: Tofi and Leofric find themselves taken from their
Sussex village by English warrior Ordgar who is trying to defend the coast line
from invasion. Episode 2: Tofi, Leofric and Ordgar are froced to try and save
Crowhurst from the Norman invasion. The Normans are determined to win the war
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: 1066. The Battle for Middle Eart; 1066. Die Schlacht um England.