Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Indice alfabetico dei film |
1986, regia di Russell Mulcahy
Scheda: Nazione: GB-USA - Produzione: 20th Century Fox, EMI Films, Highlander Productions Limited - Distribuzione: Cidf, 20th Century Fox, Home Box Office, Image Entertainment Inc. - Soggetto: Gregory Widen - Sceneggiatura: Gregory Widen, Peter Bellwood, Larry Ferguson - Fotografia: Gerry Fisher - Montaggio: Peter Honess - Scenografia: Ian Whittaker - Costumi: James Acheson - Musiche: Michael Kamen, Queen - Effetti speciali: Paul Sparrow, Chris Blunden - Formato: Panoramica Technicolor - Durata: 113'.
Cast: Christopher Lambert, Roxanne Hart, Clancy Brown, Sean Connery, Beatie Edney, Alan North, Jon Polito, Sheila Gish, Hugh Quarshie, Christopher Malcolm, Peter Diamond, Billy Hartman, James Cosmo, Celia Imrie, Alistair Findlay, Edward Wiley, James McKenna, John Cassady, Ian Reddington, Sion Tudor Owen, Damien Leake, Gordon Sterne, Ron Berglas, Corrinne Russell.
Trama e commenti:
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«Da secoli va avanti la lotta per la
supremazia tra gli immortali. La fine può sopraggiungere solo per mano di un
loro simile. Sono rimasti in due e la resa dei conti finale avviene ai nostri
giorni. Sceneggiato da Gregory Widden, Peter Bellwood e Larry Ferguson, si fa
apprezzare per l'abilità con cui Mulcahy fa cinema con una storia di bizzarria
rischiosa. L'impiego della tecnologia è spesso finalizzato a virtuosismi
sterili. Qualche compiacimento nelle scene violente. Fotografia di Gerry
Fischer. Seguito da
Highlander II-Il ritorno».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
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«With the ultimate throw-down, "There can be only one," Highlander
captured the imaginations of fantasy fans seeking a well-executed swordplay epic,
becoming a cult classic in the process. Connor MacLeod (Christopher Lambert) is
one of a waning few survivors of a clan of immortals. The breed have been
dueling each other for centuries in the quest to be the last one remaining, and
hence achieve a supreme enlightenment that would be dangerous in the wrong hands.
The immortals can only die by decapitation, so they hunt each other through time
and across continents to meet for each decisive duel, which will bring one of
them a step closer to ultimate power. In present-day America, the troubled hero
MacLeod lives a brooding and lonely existence, having lost his true love
centuries ago. The evil Kurgan (Clancy Brown), an immortal who plans to use his
power toward unspeakable ends, has fought MacLeod before but is still trying to
finish him off. After emerging victorious from a parking garage skirmish with
the third-to-last immortal, MacLeod knows that only Kurgan is left, and the two
are on a collision path toward the inevitable. In the film's numerous flashbacks
to the past, Sean Connery plays Ramirez, the immortal who first tutors MacLeod
after the hero survives a mortal battle wound, prompting his fearful village to
banish him. Roxanne Hart plays MacLeod's modern-day love interest, who tries to
help him while struggling to believe his incredible story» (Derek Armstrong).
Approfondimenti: Movie
Sito ufficiale del film - Sound tracks - Clips
PELLECCHIA, Passato/presente: montaggio alternato e Medioevo. Note su Riccardo
III - Un uomo, un re (di Al Pacino) e Highlander (di Russell Mulcahy)