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(Escape from New York)
1981, regia di John Carpenter
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Debra Hill, Slam Dunk Productions - Distribuzione: Medusa, Domovideo, Ricordi Video, BMG Video, Cecchi Gore Home Video - Soggetto: John Carpenter, Nick Castle - Sceneggiatura: John Carpenter, Nick Castle - Fotografia: Dean Cundey - Montaggio: Todd Ransay - Musiche: John Carpenter, Alan Howarth - Formato: Panavision Metrocolor - Durata: 91'.
Cast: Kurt Russell, Lee Van Cleef, Ernest Borgnine, Donald Pleasence, Isaac Hayes, Season Hubley, Harry Dean Stanton, Adrienne Barbeau, Tom Atkins, Charles Cyphers, Joe Unger, Frank Doubleday, John Strobel.
Trama e commenti:
- «Nel 1997 l'isola di Manhattan è diventata un
ghetto di massima sicurezza per criminali. Ergastolano, pluridecorato reduce di
guerra, deve penetrarvi per recuperare il presidente USA, prigioniero di una
banda. Anticipazione in chiave di violenza avventurosa, il film si appoggia al
suo fascino notturno, alla forza cupa del fantastico sociale che ricorda il
Brecht di L'opera da tre soldi. Il contenitore vale più del contenuto. Seguito,
un anno prima del 1997, da
Fuga da Los Angeles».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - -
«Another John Carpenter cult classic, Escape from New York was one of
the best entries in the once popular post-apocalyptic genre which included
Road Warrior and The Terminator. In 1997, the island of Manhattan has
been turned into the world's largest maximum security prison, a place where the
worst of humanity is sent to rot. The U.S. Government finds itself in a major
crisis when the president's plane crash lands in New York only days before a
vital peace summit between major warring nations is to take place. The president
survives the crash, but is taken hostage by the denizens of Manhattan and held
for ransom. Only war hero turned felon Snake Plissken can save the day, and he
is offered a simple deal for his work: save the president and live, fail to save
him and die. The one-eyed bandit sets to work, cutting a path of destruction to
the president that has to be seen to be believed. Kurt Russell creates the
indelible character of Snake Plissken as no other actor could have. Wisecracking
and cool under the very worst of pressures, Snake is the ultimate bad good guy.
Often copied, but never duplicated, Escape from New York is full of the
wit, energy and action that marks a John Carpenter picture».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: John Carpenter's Escape from New York.
Un esempio di Medioevo prossimo venturo tipico dei film di fantascienza.