Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Indice alfabetico dei film |
ROBIN HOOd junior
1977, regia di John
Black e Matt
Nazione: GB - Produzione: Children's
Film Foundation
- Distribuzione: Children's
Film Foundation
- Soggetto: da
un racconto di Matt McCarthy
Sceneggiatura: William
- Fotografia: Tony
Imi - Musiche:
Cast: Keith Chegwin, Mandy Tulloch, Nicholas Dunn, Rachel Brennock, Anthony Bailey, Sean Barrett, Sydney Bromley, Keith Jayne, Maurice Kaufmann, Dean Lawrence.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
«Based on the story by Matt McCarthy.
A non-violent, inventive action film in which a band of Saxon children outwit
Baron de Malhave and his Henchmen. Lord Gilbert is away at the Crusades &
the Baron has...».